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Kriener et al. 2014 | Kriener, B., Enger, H., Tetzlaff, T., Plesser, H.E., Gewaltig, M.-O. and Einevoll, G.T. | Dynamics of self-sustained asynchronous-irregular activity in random networks of spiking neurons with strong synapses | Front. Comput. Neurosci. (2014) 8:136 doi:10.3389/fncom.2014.00136 |
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Kunkel et al. 2014 | Kunkel, S., Schmidt, M., Eppler, J.M., Plesser, H.E., Masumoto, G., Igarashi, J., Ishii, S., Fukai, T., Morrison, A., Diesmann, M. and Helias, M. | Spiking network simulation code for petascale computers | Front. Neuroinform. (2014) 8:78 doi:10.3389/fninf.2014.00078 |
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Crook et al. 2012 | Crook, S. M., Bednar, J. A., Berger, S., Cannon, R., Davison, A. P., Djurfeldt, M., Eppler, J., Kriener, B., Furber, S., Graham, B., Plesser, H. E., Schwabe, L., Smith, L., Steuber, V. and van Albada, S. | Creating, documenting and sharing network models | Network: Computation in Neural Systems (2012) 23(4): 131-149 doi:10.3109/0954898X.2012.722743 |
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Estebanez et al. 2014 | Estebanez, L., Boustani, S. E. and Shulz, D. E. | What the whiskers tell the tactile brain | Med Sci (2014) 30: 93-98 doi:10.1051/medsci/20143001019 |
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Crook et al. 2013 | Crook., S. M., Davison, A. P. and Plesser, H. E. | Learning from the past: approaches for reproducibility in computational neuroscience | In: J.M. Bower (Ed.), 20 Years of Computational Neuroscience, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-1423-0 doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-1424-7_4 |
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Shulz and Feldman in press | Shulz, D.E. and Feldman, D. | Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity in Development | In: Neural Circuit Development and Function in the Healthy and Diseased Brain, 1st Edition: Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience. (P. Rakic and J Rubenstein). (2013) Print Book ISBN : 9780123972675, eBook ISBN : 9780123973467 |
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Einevoll et al. 2013c | Einevoll, G. T., Leski, S. and Hagen, E. | Tutorial on LFPy: T3: Modeling and interpretation of extracellular potentials | CNS 2013, Paris, France | abstract |
Hagen 2014 | Hagen, E. | LFPy and hybrid scheme for local field potentials. CNS2014 tutorial T4: Modeling and analysis of extracellular potentials | CNS 2014 Québec City: July 26-31, 2014, CNS2014, Quebec City, Candada, 07/26/2014 - 07/31/2014 | |
Shulz 2012a | Shulz D.E. | Keep in touch: sensing the world with whiskers | Plennary Lecture, 2nd French-Argentinean symposium in Neurosciences (2012) Buenos Aires, Argentina (Invited) | |
Shulz 2012b | Shulz, D.E. | Neuronal representation of complex multi-whisker tactile scenes | FENS satellite symposium on Barrel Cortex Function (2012) Barcelona, Spain. Invited. | |
Shulz 2012c | Shulz, D. E. | Distributed inputs to the barrel system coupled to multiple single unit recordings in the somatosensory cortex | Keynote Speaker, 3rd Workshop GDR 2904, "Multi-electrode recordings and signal processing applied to the study of neuronal networks". Marseille, France (2012) Invited. |
Bakkeret al 2012 | Bakker, R. ; Denker, M. ; Diesmann, M. ; Eppler, J. M. ; Grün, S. ; Grytskyy, D. ; Helias, M. ; Ito, J. ; Maximov, A. ; Schmidt, M. ; Tetzlaff, T. ; Torre, E. ; van Albada, S. ; Wiebelt, B. ; Zehl, L. | Planned activities in Jülich | BrainScales Conference, Jülich, Germany, 03/19/2012 |
Bakkeret al 2013 | Bakker, R. ; Paul H. E. , T. ; Diesmann, M. ; Thomas, W. | Setting up a web-based neuroscience database has never been easier: The CoCoMac engine goes open source | Neuroinformatics 2013, INCF2013, Stockholm, Sweden, 08/27/2013 - 08/29/2013 |
Dahmen et al. 2013 | Dahmen, D., Hagen, E., Stavrinou, M. L., Linden, H., Tetzlaff, T., van Albada, S., Diesmann, M., Grün, S. and Einevoll, G. T. | From spiking point-neuron networks to LFPs: a hybrid approach | Bernstein Conference, 25-27 September 2013, Tübingen, Germany | |
Dahmen et al. 2014 | Dahmen, D., Hagen, E., Stavrinou, M.L., Lindén, H., Tetzlaff, T., van Albada, S., Diesmann, M., Grün, S. and Einevoll, G.T. | Computing local-field potentials based on a point-neuron network model of cat V1 | SFN Neuroscience 2014, Washington, D.C., United States of America, 11/15/2014 - 11/19/2014 | |
Davison et al. 2013 | Davison, A.P., Djurfeldt, M., Eppler, J.M., Gleeson, P., Hull, M. and Muller, E.B. | An integration layer for neural simulation: PyNN in the software forest | Neuroinformatics 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, August (2013). doi:10.3389/conf.fninf.2013.09.00020 |
abstract |
Dehghani et al. 2011 | Dehghani, N., Peyrache, A., Eskandar, E., Madsen, J., Anderson, W., Donoghue, J., Halgren, E., Destexhe, A. and Cash, S. | Relationship between excitatory and inhibitory neuronal activity and local field potentials during human sleep. | Soc Neurosci Abstracts 37: 451.05 | |
Denker et al. 2015 | Denker, M., Yegenoglu, A., Holstein, D., Torre, E., Jennings, T., Davison, A. and Grün, S. | elephant: An open-source tool for the analysis of electrophysiological data | Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Neuroforum (2015) T27-2B | |
Einevoll et al. 2014 | Einevoll, G.T., Łeski, S. and Hagen, E. | Tutorial: Modeling and interpretation of extracellular potentials (T4) | CNS 2014, Québec City (Canada), | abstract |
Eppler et al. 2011 | Eppler, J.M., Kunkel, S., Plesser, H.E., Gewaltig, M.-O., Morrison, A. and Diesmann, M. | NEST: An efficient simulator for spiking neural network models | Poster at the Ninth Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society 2011: T27-9B | abstract |
Eppler et al. 2011b | Eppler, J.M., Enger, H., Heiberg, T., Kriener, B., Plesser, H.E., Diesmann, M. and Djurfeldt, M. | Evaluating the Connection-Set Algebra for the neural simulator NEST | Poster at the 4th INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics, Boston, USA doi:10.3389/conf.fninf.2011.08.00085 |
abstract |
Eppler et al. 2012 | Eppler, J. M., Djurfeldt, M., Muller, E., Diesmann, M. and Davison, A. | Combining simulator independent network descriptions with run-time interoperability based on PyNN and MUSIC | In Conference Abstract: 5th INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics, Front. Neuroinform. (2012) | |
EpplerM et al 2013 | Eppler, J. M. ; Kunkel, S. ; Helias, M. ; Zaytsev, Y. ; Plesser, H. E. ; Gewaltig, M.-O. ; Morrison, A. ; Diesmann, M. | 20 years of NEST: a mature brain simulator | INM Retreat 2013, Jülich, Germany, 07/02/2013 - 07/03/2013 |
Gorchetchnikov et al. 2011 | Gorchetchnikov, A., Cannon, R., Clewley, R., Cornelis, H., Davison, A., De Schutter, E., Djurfeldt, M., Gleeson, P., Hill, S., Hines, M., Kriener, B., Le Franc, Y., Lo, C.-C., Morrison, A., Muller, E., Plesser, H.E., Raikov, I., Ray, S., Schwabe, L. and Szatmary, B. | NineML: declarative, mathematically-explicit descriptions of spiking neuronal networks | Front. Neuroinform. Conference Abstract: 4th INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics doi:10.3389/conf.fninf.2011.08.00098 |
abstract |
Hageet al 2013 | Hagen, E. ; Stavrinou, M. ; Lindén, H. ; Dahmen, D. ; Tetzlaff, T. ; van Albada, S. ; Grün, S. ; Diesmann, M. ; Einevoll, G. T. | Hybrid scheme for modeling LFPs from spiking cortical network models | Proceedings of NeuroInformatics 2013 NeuroInformatics 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, 08/27/2013 - 08/29/2013 |
Hagen et al. 2015 | Hagen, E., Dahmen, D., Stavrinou, M.L., Linden, H., Tetzlaff, T., van Albada, S., Diesmann, M., Grün, S. and Einevoll, G.T. | Hybrid scheme for modeling local field potentials from point-neuron networks | 11th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany, 03/18/2015 - 03/21/2015 | |
Heiberg et al 2013a | T. Heiberg, B. Kriener, T. Tetzlaff, G. T. Einevoll, and H. E. Plesser | Firing-rate models for neurons with a broad repertoire of spiking behaviors. | BMC Neuroscience (2013) 14(Suppl 1):P317 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-14-S1-P317 |
abstract |
Hugues et al. 2013 | Hugues, E., Brito, Stein Naves de Brito, C., Gerstner, W., Romo, R. and Deco, G. | A model of perceptual discrimination under sequential sensory evidence | Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Paris, 2013, BMC Neuroscience 14(Suppl. 1):P102. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-14-S1-P102 |
abstract |
Kriener et al 2013 | B. Kriener, H. Enger, T. Tetzlaff, H. E. Plesser, M.-O. Gewaltig, and G. T. Einevoll. | Dynamics and lifetime of persistent activity states in random networks of spiking neurons with strong synapses. | BMC Neuroscience (2013) 14(Suppl 1):P121 | abstract |
Kunkel et al 2013 | S. Kunkel, M. Schmidt, J. M. Eppler, H. E. Plesser, J. Igarashi, G. Masumoto, T. Fukai, S. Ishii, A. Morrison, M. Diesmann, and M. Helias. | From laptops to supercomputers: a single highly scalable code base for spiking neuronal network simulations. | BMC Neuroscience (2013) 14(Suppl 1):P163 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-14-S1-P163 |
abstract |
Kunkelet al 2013b | Kunkel, S. ; Schmidt, M. ; Eppler, J. M. ; Igarashi, J. ; Masumoto, G. ; Fukai, T. ; Ishii, S. ; Plesser, H. E. ; Morrison, A. ; Diesmann, M. ; Helias, M. | Supercomputers ready for use as discovery machines for neuroscience | 10th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, NWG 2013, Goettingen, Germany, 03/13/2013 - 03/18/2013 |
Martinez-Garcia et al. 2011a | Martinez-Garcia, M., Rolls, E., Deco, G. and Romo, R. | Computational mechanisms of postponed decisions | Poster at the CNS Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2011 |
Ness et al. 2012 | Ness, T.B., Hagen, E., Negwer, M., Bakker, R., Schubert, D. and Einevoll, G.T. | Modeling extracellular spikes and local field potentials recorded in MEAs | Proceedings of the 8th international meeting on Multielectrode Arrays, Reutlingen (2012) | |
Peyrache et al. 2011b | Peyrache, A., Dehghani, N., Eskandar, E., Madsen, J., Anderson, W., Donoghue, J., Halgren, E., Cash, S.S. and Destexhe, A. | Spatio-temporal dynamics of neocortical excitation and inhibition during human sleep. | Soc Neurosci Abstracts 36: 451.06 | |
Plesser et al 2013 | H. E. Plesser, J. M. Eppler, and M.-O. Gewaltig. | 20 years of NEST: A mature brain simulator. | Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. Conference Abstract: Neuroinformatics 2013, page 227, Stockholm, 2013 | abstract |
Plesser et al. 2011 | Plesser, H.E., Crook, S. and Davison, A.P. | Reproducible models and reliable simulations: Current trends in computational neuroscience | SIAM Computational Science and Engineering 2011, Reno, Nevada, February 2011 | |
Potjans et al. 2011 | Potjans, T.C., Kunkel, S., Morrison, A., Plesser, H.E. and Diesmann, M. | Beyond local cortical network modeling: linking microscopic and macroscopic connectivity in brainscale simulations | Poster at the Ninth Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society 2011: T26-6A | abstract |
Raikov et al. 2011 | Raikov, I., Cannon, R., Clewley, R., Cornelis, H., Davison, A., De Schutter, E., Djurfeldt, M., Gleeson, P., Gorchetchnikov, A., Plesser, H.E., Hill, S., Hines, M., Kriener, B., Le Franc, Y., Lo, C.-C., Morrison, A., Muller, E., Ray, S., Schwabe, L. and Szatmary, B. | NineML: the network interchange for neuroscience modeling language | BMC Neuroscience 2011, 12(Suppl 1):P330 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-12-S1-P330 |
abstract |
Stavrinou et al. 2015 | Stavrinou, M.L., Hagen, E., Dahmen, D., Linden, H., Tetzlaff, T., van Albada, S., Diesmann, M., Grün, S. and Einevoll, G.T. | Computing local field potentials based on spiking cortical networks | Neuro Informatics 2014, Leiden, Netherlands, 08/25/2014 - 08/27/2014 | |
Tetzlaff et al. 2014b | Tetzlaff, T., Dahmen, D., Hagen, E., Stavrinou, M.L., Lindén, H., van Albada, S., Diesmann, M., Grün, S. and Einevoll, G.T. | Computing local-field potentials based on a point-neuron network model of cat V1 | NeuroVisionen 10 meeting, Jülich, Germany, 09/26/2014 - 09/26/2014 | |
Tetzlaff et al. 2015 | Tetzlaff, T., Hagen, E., Dahmen, D., Stavrinou, M.L., Linden, H., van Albada, S., Grün, S., Diesmann, M. and Einevoll, G.T. | Hybrid scheme for modeling local field potentials from point-neuron networks | 2nd International Symposium of the Clinical Research Group 219, Cologne, Germany, 02/26/2015 - 02/28/2015 | |
Torre et al. 2013a | Torre, E. | Spike Pattern Detection by Frequent Itemset Mining | Tenth Göttigen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society. Göttingen, Germany: T26-21D (2013) | |
Torre et al. 2015 | Torre, E., Canova, C., Gerstein, G., Helias, M., Denker, M. and Grün, S | Statistical assessment of sequences of synchronous spiking in massively parallel spike trains | Proceedings Cosyne (2015) I-86 | |
Zenke et al. 2015b | Zenke F., Agnes E., Gerstner W. | Hebbian and non-Hebbian plasticity orchestrated to form and retrieve memories in spiking networks | COSYNE 2015, Salt Lake City | fulltext |
Müller 2014 | Müller, E. | Novel Operation Modes of Accelerated Neuromorphic Hardware | PhD Thesis (2014) at the University of Heidelberg | fulltext |
Rehn, E., Benjaminsson, S. and Lansner, A. | Event-based Sensor Interface for Supercomputer scale Neural Networks | KTH technical report TRITA-CSC-CB, ISSN 1653-5707; 2012:02 | abstract, fulltext | |
Canova et al. 2014 | Canova, C., Torre, E., Denker, M., Gerstein, G. and Grün, S. | Statistical Assessment and Neuronal Composition of Active Synfire Chains | INM Retreat 2014, Jülich, Germany, 07/01/2014 - 07/02/2014 | |
Dahmen et al. 2014b | Dahmen, D., Hagen, E., Stavrinou, M.L., Lindén, H., Tetzlaff, T., van Albada, S., Diesmann, M., Grün, S., Einevoll, G.T. | From spiking point-neuron networks to LFPs: a hybrid approach | BrainScaleS 4th plenary meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom, 03/19/2014 - 03/21/2014 | |
Kunkel et al. 2012 | Kunkel, S., Helias, M., Potjans, T. C., Eppler, J. M., Plesser, H.E., Diesmann, M. and Morrison, A. | Memory Consumption of Neuronal Network Simulators at the Brain Scale | in Binder K, Münster G, Kremer M (Eds) NIC Symposium 2012 Proceedings NIC Series Vol. 45, page 81, Jülich, Germany, ISBN 978-3-89336-758-0 | fulltext |
Kunkelet al. 2014b | Plesser, H.E., Helias, M., Diesmann, M. and Morrison, A. | The NEST 4g kernel: highly scalable simulation code from laptops to supercomputers | BrainScaleS CodeJam Workshop 6, Juelich, Germany, 01/27/2014 - 01/29/2014 | BibTeX |
Tetzlaff et al. 2014c | Tetzlaff, T., Dahmen, D., Hagen, E., Stavrinou, M. L., Lindén, H., van Albada, S., Diesmann, M., Grün, S. and Einevoll, G.T.M. | Poster: Computing local-field potentials based on a point-neuron network model of cat V1 | INM retreat, Jülich, Germany, 07/01/2014 - 07/02/2014 |