Publications of Kampa, B.M.

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2 publication entries, 1 of them (printed in bold in the list) acknowledge the project support.

Paper (reviewed)

Bopp et al. 2014Bopp, R., Maçarico da Costa, N., Kampa, B.M., Martin, K.A. and Roth M.M.Pyramidal cells make specific connections onto smooth (GABAergic) neurons in mouse visual cortexPLoS Biol. (2014) 12(8):e1001932
abstract, fulltext
Muir and Kampa 2015Muir, D.R. and Kampa, B.M. FocusStack and StimServer: a new open source MATLAB toolchain for visual stimulation and analysis of two-photon calcium neuronal imaging dataFront Neuroinform. (2015) 8:85.


26 August 2016