Publications of Masson, G. S.

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9 publication entries, 1 of them (printed in bold in the list) acknowledge the project support.
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Conference contribution: talk
Conference contribution: poster

Paper (reviewed)

Masson and Perrinet 2012Masson, G. S. and Perrinet, L. U.The behavioral receptive field underlying motion integration for primate tracking eye movementsNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2012) 36(1): 1-25
Reynaud et al. 2012Reynaud, A., Masson, G. S. and Chavane, F.Dynamics of Local Input Normalization Result from Balanced Short- and Long-Range Intracortical Interactions in Area V1The Journal of Neuroscience (2012) 32(36):12558 - 12569

Conference contribution: talk

Masson 2012Masson, G. S.Optimal encoding of speed information for tracking eye movementsWorkshop on "Optimizing performance in dynamics environment" Amsterdam, NL, 2-5 July 2012
Masson 2012bMasson, G. S.Speed processing for ocular tracking and motion perception : same or different ? CESAME, Departement de Neurosciences. Université Catholique de Louvain. Louvain, Belgique, 26 October 2012
Masson 2012cMasson, G. S.Behavioral receptive fields and cortical population dynamics.Departemento de Electronca, Universidad Téchnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chili, 30 October 2012
Masson 2012dMasson, G. S.Behavioral receptive fields and cortical population dynamicsHertie Institute for Brain Research. Tübingen. Germany. December 6th, 2012

Conference contribution: poster

Bermudez et al. 2012Bermudez, M., Courbonm D., Barthelemym F., Masson, G. S. and Vanzetta, I.Effect of temporal frequency, color and contrast in V4 of the behaving macaque: neuronal responses and behavioral correlatesAbstracts of the 42nd Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, October 2012, New Orleans, USA (2012)
Deneux et al. 2012Deneux, T., Sanz-Leon, P., Masquelier, T., Masson, G. S., Deco, G. and Vanzetta, I. (2012) The spatiotemporal structure of ongoing and evoked activity investigated using optical imaging of voltage sensitive dyes in awake monkey V4AREADNE Meeting, Juin 2012, Santorini, Greece (2012)
Montagnini et al. 2012Montagnini, A., Bogadhi, A. R. and Masson, G. S. (2012) Dynamical integration of retinal and extra-retinal signals for smooth pursuit eye movements : a two stage bayesian modelPerception, ECVP Abstracts September 2012


26 August 2016