Publications of Fr�gnac, Y

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27 publication entries, 10 of them (printed in bold in the list) acknowledge the project support.
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Conference contribution: talk
Conference contribution: poster

Paper (reviewed)

Arduin et al. 2013Arduin, P.-J., Fregnac, Y., Shulz, D. E. and Ego-Stengel, V. "Master" Neurons Induced by Operant Conditioning in Rat Motor Cortex during a Brain-Machine Interface TaskThe Journal of Neuroscience (2013) 33(19): 8308-8320
Baudot et al. 2013Baudot, P., Levy, M., Marre, O., Monier, C., Pananceau, M. and Fregnac, Y. Animation of natural scene by virtual eye-movements evokes high precision and low noise in V1 neuronsFront. Neural Circuits (2013) 7:206
Behuret et al. 2013Behuret, S., Deleuze, C., Gomez, L., Fregnac, Y. and Bal, T. Cortically-Controlled Population Stochastic Facilitation as a Plausible Substrate for Guiding Sensory Transfer across the Thalamic GatewayPLoS Comput Biol (2013) 9(12): e1003401
Chavane et al. 2012Chavane, F., Sharon, D., Jancke, D., Marre, O., Frégnac, Y. and Grinvald, ALateral spread of orientation selectivity in V1 is controlled by intracortical cooperativityFront. Syst. Neurosci. (2012) 5:4
abstract, fulltext
El Boustani et al. 2012El Boustani, S., Yger, P., Frégnac, Y. and Destexhe, A.Stable Learning in Stochastic Network StatesThe Journal of Neuroscience (2012) 32(1): 194-214
Fournier et al. 2011Fournier, J., Monier, C., Pananceau, M. and Fregnac, Y. Adaptation of the simple or complex nature of V1 receptive fields to visual statisticsNature Neuroscience (2011) 14: 1053-1060
abstract, (fulltext)
Fournier et al. 2014Fournier, J., Monier, C., Levy, M., Marre, O., Sári, K., Kisvárday Z.F. and Frégnac, Y.Hidden Complexity of Synaptic Receptive Fields in Cat V1The Journal of Neuroscience (2014) 34(16): 5515-5528
abstract, fulltext
Fregnac 2012aFrégnac, Y.Reading Out the Synaptic Echoes of Low-Level Perception in V1Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012) 7583: 486-495
Levy et al. 2013Levy, M., Fournier, J. and Frégnac, Y.The role of delayed suppression during fast and slow contrast adaptation in V1 Simple cellsThe Journal of Neuroscience (2013) 33(15): 6388-6400
abstract, fulltext

Conference contribution: talk

Fregnac 2012Frégnac, Y.Biological Foundations of neuromorphic computationInternational MemCo Workshop: "Memristors for Computing" (2012), Frejus, France. Invited
Fregnac 2012bFrégnac, Y.Functional polymorphy of visual cortex : from "crystal" to "smoke".Keynote speaker in International Workshop on Bioinspired Systems and Prosthetic Devices (Bio-Pro) (2012), Taiwan. Invited.
Fregnac 2012cFrégnac, Y.Foundations of Neuromorphic Computation: What Physics and Computer Science can learn from Brain studiesOrganized by Labex MS2T (Maîtrise de Systèmes de Systèmes Technologiques) de l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne France (2012). Invited.
Fregnac 2012dFrégnac, Y.Calcul Neuromorphique : émergence des principes de liage perceptif de la "Gestalt"In Modéliser le Cerveau (organized by P. Chauvel, R. Pumain and P. Wending) Réunion d'Hiver de la Société de Neurophysiologie Clinique de Langue Française, (2012) Paris, France. Invited.
Fregnac 2012eFrégnac, Y.Reading out the synaptic echoes of low-level perceptionInternational workshop on "Biological and Computer Vision Interfaces" at ECCV (2012), Organized by P. Kronbropst and O. Faugeras, Florence, Italy. Invited.
Fregnac 2012fFrégnac, Y.Meso/Micro-scale interactions in cortical visual processing: one step closer to Gestalt4th Binational Meeting of France-Israel Neuroscience (2012), FINEPS, Aussois. Invited
Fregnac 2012gFrégnac, Y.Revisiting the visual cortical receptive field : one step closer to Gestalt.International Workshop on recent advances in dynamical systems and applications (2012). Org. O. Faugeras and G. Faye. IBRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, Invited.
Fregnac 2013Fregnac, Y.Central neurobiological issues in Neuromorphic computation : Noise and PlasticityCapoCaccia Cognitive Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop, Sardinia (2013) Invited speaker
Fregnac 2013bFregnac, Y.Searching for a fit between the "silent" surround of V1 receptive fields and eye-movementsSymposium: Active Perception: The synergy between perception and action (2013), Organizer: Michele Rucci and Eli Brenner, Boston University and VU University abstract
Fregnac 2013cFregnac, Y.Multiscale complexity in the visual cortical receptive field. In International Symposium "Visual Processing Beyond the Classical Receptive Field", Re-He Palace, Chengde city, China. Invited Keynote Conference
Fregnac 2013dFregnac, Y.Synaptic echoes of low-level perception UESTC (2013), Chengdu, China. Invited Conference.
Fregnac 2013eFregnac, Y.Visions de l'Intérieur : quand l'oeuvre d'art « résonne « avec l'architecture perceptive du Cerveau. In. Le geste du peintre : matériaux, perception, émotion. Journée d'étude du LAMS. Orgs. P. Walter and JP Changeux. Paris (2013). Invited Conference.
Fregnac 2013fFregnac, Y.Reconstructing low-level perception from synaptic echoes in V1. In: 4th European Visual Cortex Meeting (2013). St Cross Castle, Sr Kriz Zacretje, Croatie. Invited Conference.
Fregnac 2013gFregnac, Y.Propagation Belief in Visual cortical networks : a possible neural implementation of Gestalt laws. In "Neuroscience of Cognition, Computation and Decisions" Virginia Tech, Riva San Vitale, Ticino, Switzerland (2013). Invited Conference.
Monier and Fregnac 2012Monier, C. and Frégnac, Y.Multiscale study of the reliability of visually evoked cortical dynamics and its dependency on input statisticsInternational Symposium on Sensory Coding and Natural Environment 2012, IST, Vienna, Austria (Invited)

Conference contribution: poster

Davison et al. 2013bDavison, A.P., Brizzi, T., Guarino, D., Manette, O.F., Monier, C., Sadoc, G. and Frégnac, Y.Helmholtz: a customizable framework for neurophysiology data management Neuroinformatics 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, 27 Aug - 29 Aug, (2013)
Uddin et al. 2013Uddin, T., Monier, C., Fregnac, Y. and Kisvarday, Z. Input-output constellation of neurons at pinwheel-centers in cat primary visual cortexPoster Presented at the XIV Annual Conference of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society, Budapest, HU (2013) abstract


Fregnac 2013hFregnac, Y.Les enjeux de la modélisation du cerveau: des neurosciences cognitives aux calculateurs inspirés du vivant.Invites conférence Grand Public dans le cadre des Découvrades Toulouse (2013)


26 August 2016